[Free PDF.lFUk] Family Genealogy Queries CARPENTER CARSON CARTWRIGHT Others (Southern Genealogical Research)
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Book Details :
Published on: 2015-10-28
Released on: 2015-10-28
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The family information in this book comes from a genealogy magazine published during the 1990s, now out of print. Contents of this volume include all queries from the magazine mentioning individuals or families surnamed CARPENTER (with 14 queries total), CARTWRIGHT (12 queries), CARSON (11 queries), CARNES (CARNS, CARN) (7 queries), CARNAHAN (2 queries), CARNEY (2 queries), CARMAN (2 queries), CARTMELL (CARTMILL) (2 queries), CARMACK (1 query), CARMALT (1 query), or CARTY (1 query).Genealogy queries such as these have long been a means for family researchers to share information. Although these queries were written by persons seeking information, the wealth of detail in them could prove valuable to you if you're working on the same names or lines.Typically, queries include information on births, deaths, marriages, children of a given couple, family migrations, etc. Some trace several generations of one family. Some even include colorful family stories passed down through the years!Note: If you aren't sure if the information in this book will be useful to your particular family research, why not borrow and read it for free with a Kindle Unlimited subscriptionOther surnames occurring incidentally in the queries reproduced in this volume include ABEL, ADAMS, ALLEN, ASHFORD, ASTON, ATWELL, BARNES, BARRETT, BARTON, BASHAM, BATES, BEDDOW, BENSTER, BEST, BIRD, BLACKER, BLAIR, BLAKE, BLOCKER, BOLLAND, BOOTH, BOYD, BOZEMAN, BRADLEY, BRANNAN, BREWSTER, BRIDGES, BRITTON, BROCK, BROOKS, BROWN, BRYAN, BRYANT, BURGE, BURNSIDE, BUSIC, CALDWELL, CAMPBELL, CANNON, CARR, CARTER, CASON, CASTEEL, CHAMBERS, CHISM, CLENDENEN, CLIFT, CLINTON, COGBURN, COLE, COLEMAN, COLEMAN- DINGLER, COLLINS, COMBS, CONNELLEY, COOPER, CORDERY, CORNSHAW, COX, CRAIG, CRIM, CRIMM, CURNEL, CURNELL, DANIELS, DAVIS, DEADMON, DEDMAN, DEDMON, DENBOW, DERRICK, DIX, DOLLARHIDE, DONALDSON, DOWNING, DUKE, DUKES, DUNN, EGBERT, ELLARD, ELLIS, ENGLISH, ENYART, EVANS, EVINS, FARGASON, FARMER, FORBIS, FOSTER, FRIEND, FROST, FUHRMAN, FULCHER, FURGESON, GARRET, GIBBS, GIPSON, GRAY, GREEN, GRIDER, GRIER, GROOMS, GROOVER, GROSS, GROVER, GUNNELL, GUNTER, HALL, HALSEY, HAMILTON, HANKINS, HARMON, HARRISON, HAYCRAFT, HAYNES, HELVESTON, HENDRICKS, HENDRIX, HENRY, HESTER, HIGGINS, HOFF, HOLLIE, HORNSBY, HORSLEY, HOWARD, HUFF, HUGHES, HUMBRED, HURST, ILES, IRVIN, JACKSON, JACOBS, JAMES, JANES, JARNAGIN, JENKINS, JOHNSON, JOHNSTON, JONES, JORDAN, JOYCE, KARNES, KELLEY, KELLY, KING, KIRKENDOLL, KNOWLING, LANE, LANHAM, LAWSON, LESLEY, LEWIS, LILLY, LONG, MADDEN, MANGUM, MARSHALL, MARTIN, MATHEWS, McCAN, McCARTY, McCAW, McCRARY, McCUNE, McDONALD, McDONNALD, McDONNOLD, McELROY, McGEE, McHUGH, McKEE, McSPADDEN, McSWAIN, MEADOR, MEADOWS, MEDFORD, MESSICK, MILLER, MOODY, MOON, MOORE, MORRISON, MULLINS, MURR, MUSGROVE, NAFF, NAILER, NATION, NEIGHBORS, NELSON, NEWMAN, NEWTON, ODEN, OOLEY, OSBURN, OWEN, OWINGS, PAGE, PAKER, PARIS, PARISH, PARKER, PATE, PATTY, PAYSINGER, PEEK, PENCE, PENNY, PERSON, PETERS, POLK, POOLE, POST, PRICE, PUCKETT, RAINBOW, RAY, REDMON, REID, REMBO, RICHARDS, RILEY, ROBBINS, ROBINSON, ROGERS, ROLLER, ROLLERIN, ROLLINS, ROSS, RUSSELL, RUST, SAMPLE, SAMPSON, SANDERS, SCHRIMSHER, SETTLE, SEXTON, SHARBER, SHAW, SHOEMAKER, SHRIVER, SHUFORD, SHUMATE, SIMMONS, SKELLINGTON, SMITH, SONDESKY, SPURGEON, STEMME, STEVENS, STINE, STONE, STRANGE, STRIBLING, STRICKLAND, STRICKLIN, STRIPLIN, SUTTON, SWAIN, SWIFT, SYDNOR, TAYLOR, THOMPSON, THORNHILL, TILLERY, TIMBERMAN, TODD, TRIBBY, TRIBBY, TRIPLETT, TRUSSELL, TUCKER, TURNBAUGH, TURNER, VAN ZANDT, VANCE, VANN, VANZANT, VIOLETT, VISER, VIZIER, WALDRUP, WATERS, WEBSTER, WEENS, WHATLEY, WHITT, WIGGINS, WILKINSON, WILLIAMS, WILLS, WILSON, WITT, WOLF, WOLFE, WOOD, WOODARD, WRAY, YOCUM, and YOUNG. 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